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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2013/02/28

Board of Commissioners Meeting
February 28, 2013
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, Charles Smith, Peter Hill, Kenneth Meyer, Kurt Markarian, Paul Manson.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Neil Cheseldine.
ABSENT: David Cain

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.

Forms for Signing:
January 31, 2013 Meeting Minutes:  Paul M. made a motion to accept the January 31st meeting minutes as printed, seconded by Peter H., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
2nd December & January Sewer Purchase Journals:  Paul M. made a motion to accept the December and January Sewer Purchase Journals as printed, seconded by Peter H., after some discussion regarding Independent Archeological and the Perkins Pond Project, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
2nd December & January Water Purchase Journals:  Kenneth M. made a motion to accept the Water Purchase Journals as written, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
Cross Connection Control Program: Dave B. gave a synopsis of why the program had to be revamped to meet DES standards, there was some discussion regarding the permitting process. Charles S. made a motion to sign the Cross Connection Control Program as written, seconded by Peter H., voted 5 in favor with some protest, 1 opposed, the motion passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.

Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  
Dave B. reported that there is much work going on lately at the plant and that there has been more ledge encountered than had been anticipated. Dave B. reported that the garage had been insulated and sheetrocked in order to move supplies into it when necessary to be out of the way of the upgrade. Dave B. stated that the plant is running pretty well and that there had been high TSS for a few weeks in the one ditch, but that this had seemed to clear up.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade:
Neil C. presented the pay requisition for $184,682.65. Paul M. made a motion to accept the January pay requisition from Penta Corp. for $184,682.65, seconded by Kenneth M., after some discussion regarding what work is being paid for with this request and what will be going on in the coming month, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
Neil C. presented change order #1 in the amount of $10,563.16 and stated that it needs to be signed off on. This change order included the previously discussed and voted on roll up door electrical, the oxidation ditch drain work, and the credit for the well pressure tanks. Charles S. questioned if New London should be approving this change order. Neil C. stated that New London and Sunapee have already approved this. After some discussion regarding the next meeting and the Chairman being on vacation during it, the Chairman signed the change order that had been previously approved.
Neil C. presented some other items that are coming up on change orders including the ledge, that have come up so far and some others that are to come in the near future amounting to about $53,000.00 total. There was some discussion regarding the rest of the project and what else may come up in the way of change orders.
Neil C. passed out some information regarding the upcoming change order items for consideration and to show how these will affect the project. Neil C. mentioned the Perkins Pond sewer and a change order for $13,175.45 to do the work now for an easier tie in when the line is installed. There was some discussion regarding what is happening with the Wendell sewer line and the need for this work to be done. The Commission feels that this item should be taken care of and paid for by the Perkins Pond Project money.
Neil C. went through a down charge for the centrifuge hoist of -$9,890.44, an up charge of $9,446.56 for 4 oxidation ditch sumps per Dave B.’s request for making cleaning the ditches easier, the rotor supports resulted in an up charge of $13,004.76 instead of the much higher cost originally quoted, and the ledge overrun in the amount of $30,000, bringing the total of all up charges to $53,124.04 and leaving contingency in the amount of $320,000.00.
New London request for expense payments for Underwood and Lake Sunapee Bank:
Neil C. presented that DES had brought up these items and this is why New London is requesting reimbursement for them as part of the Upgrade Project. There was some discussion regarding the Underwood costs and most agreed that these should be paid for by New London as they had hired Underwood on their own after Wright-Pierce had been chosen to engineer the project. There was some discussion regarding the interest charges incurred by New London for the design phase of the project. Neil C. suggested that each party handle their own financing costs separately to keep it cleaner. Charles S. would suggest that Donna N. attend a meeting with New London as she has more financial “know how”, Donna N. will be consulted on the issue.

Water Treatment Highlights: Dave B. stated that the filter plant is running fairly nicely and that a filter had been cleaned last month and that another one will be cleaned soon. Dave B. reported that he has a meeting with Scott Kelly about the pax mixers and that he will be calling a water department that is utilizing these mixers.
Dave B. reported that there is a possibility of Granliden coming to the Commission in the future regarding needing to change things with their holding tank and the way water is delivered to them.
Dave B. reported that he did sign a contract to have the water tanks cleaned for $3,855.00 and that this will be performed sometime in the summer months.
There was some discussion regarding engineering proposals for the repair/replacement of the intake pipe. Neil C. stated that he did not think that Wright-Pierce will be submitting anything for a proposal for this.

Old & New Business:  
Dave B. stated that much money had been spent on the one ton, he presented the quotes that he had received for the repair, and stated that he had gone with the local garage that had given the lower quote. Dave B. stated that he would like to trade the truck next year. There was some discussion regarding the truck.
Dave B. reported that Chris R. had resigned and gone to do the New London job. Dave B. stated that currently he is without a foreman and that he is thinking of moving another employee into the position.
There was some discussion regarding the water intake pipe vote and what had been voted on.
Perkins Pond Sewer: There was some discussion regarding when the project would be started and how long USDA would take to approve the funding for it.

7:35 p.m. Paul M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2013.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                Kurt Markarian

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kenneth Meyer                                   Charles Smith                   

Paul Manson